This was inspired by the 1950’s Anthology series created by and starring Rod Serling (1924-1975) In which he narrates a well written series that always has a surprise ending and starred individuals who would go on to be big names in the future, Burgess Meredith among them. LICENSE: Free For… Read more“Digital Art Spotlight: Next Stop The Twilight Zone”
Month: August 2021
The Bell Homestead Historic Site (Brantford, Ontario)
Wayne Gretzky isn’t all Brantford is famous for!!! The Bell Homestead is a Historic site located on the outskirts of Brantford, Ontario. It was here that Alexander Graham Bell first created the Telephone which would go on to cement Brantford as The Telephone City, here is a selection of photos… Read more“The Bell Homestead Historic Site (Brantford, Ontario)”