Lest We Forget

Over a century ago a poem was written by the late Colonel John McCrae called In Flander’s Fields and ever since I first heard that poem back in grade school I have had an instantaneous and utmost respect for those that have served in World Wars I & II and those who continue to serve in battles still being fought abroad. Sometimes I wonder if Today’s kids will have any idea at just how much they sacrificed for the very freedom we hold dear. Sometimes I wonder if all those who fought and died in the war truly are remembered for their courage, bravery and nerve in times of great need. No matter how you slice it Remembrance Day (or Veteran’s Day in the US) is a day that everybody must take at least 2 minutes out of the hustle and bustle of their daily lives and remember everything that these courageous individuals did, because let’s face it without those people and the sacrifices they made, we wouldn’t be enjoying the lives we have today.

In Flanders Fields by Colonel John McCrae
In Flanders Fields recited by the Late Leonard Cohen (Royal Canadian Legion)
The Soldier Behind In Flanders Fields (CBC The National/Youtube)
Heritage Minute on John McCrae